Why choose Orbus

We exist to empower enterprises to successfully manage complex change.

Our vision is to help enterprises to close the void between strategy and execution. Smarter. Faster



Where we came from and where we are going

Founded in 2004, we have over 20 years’ experience in enabling customers to architect their digital transformations. Today we are proud to serve more than 600 organizations in multiple industry sectors across 50 countries. We are the leading enterprise architecture solution for government and public agencies globally, and excel in regulated industries. We are especially proud of being recognized by Gartner and Forrester for customer-focus in product and service excellence.



the year we were founded

+20 years

experience in digital transformation


leading brands trust us in multiple sectors




We believe the future of our customers is in safe hands. We have developed a great platform, supported by our customers - and our aim is to ensure they are at the center of what we do. And, we recognise this can only be delivered by a dedicated, smart and committed bunch of people (Orbies!). We have that focus, and will always continue to support our people-first culture.


What sets us apart

Orbus Infinity Microsoft Integration

Combine Microsoft specialism with turnkey solutions

OrbusInfinity natively integrates Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Power BI and Power Automate features. Orbus has also created a portfolio of more than 70 templated self-service (or guided) solutions that are use-case-based — from business strategy to IT operations — to reduce time to value.


Discover OrbusInfinity

Variable product, pricing and marketing approach

Orbus has different sales and delivery strategies to address client-specific situations. These strategies include regional licensing models combined with client maturity-based solutions, differentiated for technology- or business-focused organizations.


Learn about our pricing

enterprise transformation platform
Orbus Infinity Framework Templates

Extensive industry standards and framework templates reduce learning curve and adoption

OrbusInfinity includes industry standards-based diagram and model templates for a wide variety of needs, including government, finance, insurance, healthcare, telecom, as well as generic BIZBOK industry models. In combination with a variety of role-based modeling capabilities, it reduces time to adopt and benefit from the product.

Comparison table

How are we different?


Strong EA heritage✔️
Microsoft 365 interoperability✔️
Cloud and hosted versions✔️✔️✔️cloud mainly✔️
Global and local✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Forrester Wave, Gartner Magic Quadrant and Voice of the Customer Leader✔️   ✔️

customer satisfaction

Our mission is to exceed customer expectations

Consultancy Services

Orbus consultants are unmatched in their expertise and professionalism, providing 360 degree services across all industries. This is evidenced by industry leading Customer Satisfaction scores from over 500 organizations globally.


Consultancy CSAT Score


Consultancy Knowledgeability


Consultancy Effectiveness

Orbus Infinity Consultancy Services
Orbus Infinity Technical Support

Technical Support

Orbus' goal is and always has been to provide the best technical support to any customer, anywhere in the world and our customers respond with excellent satisfaction ratings across all global regions


Support CSAT Score


Response Times within SLA


Tickets resolved ratio


Gartner Customer Choice Winners for the past 7 years

Orbus is way ahead of the competition on the Gartner Peer Insights platform


We are known as Orbies

A diverse mix of outstanding talent, creating and delivering maximum value to our customers.



Create the career you love with the team at Orbus

We understand the human connection between people and technology. Why not join us?


Enterprise Architecture

Architecture and Business Transformation Roundtable, UAE, April 2016


We’ve only just wrapped up the first quarter of 2016 and Orbus Software has already seen a 40% increase in customers in the Middle-East region!  This is phenomenal, as the region’s largest revenue-stream, crude oil, has seen a sharp decline effecting both OPEX and CAPEX budgets sharply.  To celebrate this success, better get-to-know our new friends, and share knowledge with our old friends, Orbus in Partnership with Mega Consulting Services hosted the Business and IT Transformation Round Table event in Abu Dhabi, the sunny Capital of the UAE. 

The event took place at the Emirates Palace Hotel, a truly magnificent establishment.  After last December’s event at the Burj-Al-Arab Dubai, expectations had been set, but of-course, only the best for our customers!

Following a quick team pep-talk over breakfast, and a shot of chocolate flavoured camel milk, we set-up our room and began welcoming delegates. The room was a delight to present at - two projector screens, two large television displays, and carpets like clouds. The day kicked off with a welcome keynote from CEO of Orbus, Andy Donoghue, and CEO of Mega Consulting Services, Zahi Muhtar. We had the honour of industry Guru Alan Simmonds from Preterlex join us and present his expertise on Enterprise Architecture and IT4IT. 

And of-course, a customer event wouldn’t be complete without some of our own customers presenting, we enjoyed some extremely insightful sessions from First Gulf Bank and New York University.  The day also gave George Sanders, our Head of Customer Success the chance to share details on our future product roadmap, my-self to share some toolset hints and tips, and Jonas Hulstaert, our Principle Consultant the chance to mingle with the crowd and share his wisdom. 

The day was an excellent blend of theory, practice, success stories, pitfalls to watch out for, and networking in-between. The after-party still continues, many organizations have requested follow-up meetings with us on topics that came to light from the day, and as I take care of the Middle-East region, I’ll be sticking around for another week or two. 

A big thanks to all those who took part in organizing the event, and all those who attended. See you at the next one!