Manage IT Investments, Optimize Business Outcomes

IT Portfolio Management Solution


Enhance your organization’s ability to make informed decisions about technology investments with a centralized view of IT assets, associated costs, and alignment with business goals.


Spiralling technology costs and complexity

Controlled investment and cost saving across IT portfolio

IT disconnected from Business Strategy

IT Portfolio aligned with strategic goals and capabilities

Mounting technical debt with unclear roadmap

Managed removal of redundant technologies and data

Guess work and delay in ITPM decision-making

Smarter, faster decisions that optimize the IT portfolio



Drive Efficiencies and Growth from Insights into Your IT Portfolio


Enhanced Transparency Over Your IT Landscape

Populate, visualize and publish a central inventory of IT assets  

  • Centrally manage IT project, technology, and application portfolio data  
  • Integrate seamlessly with ITSM systems such as ServiceNow and Cherwell 
  • Gain real-time visibility into IT portfolio status, performance, and costs 


WEB0115 - Modern ITPM - Power BI - Application Landscape Report

Accelerated IT Portfolio Optimization & Risk Mitigation

Assess your IT Portfolio Management to identify and mitigate IT risk and enable rationalization initiatives 

  • Evaluate dependencies, financial impacts, and strategic importance of IT assets  
  • Assess applications based on cost, risk, business-fit and technology-fit  
  • Generate application and technology roadmaps for rationalization 


Streamlined IT Governance and Compliance

Ensure governance and stewardship of application and technology data 

  • Establish and enforce technology standards 
  • Assess technology compliance adherence 
  • Enhance standards accountability and compliance adherence 


Intelligent Decision-Making


  • Generate data-driven reports and visualisations for ITPM  
  • Evaluate alignment of IT initiatives with business objectives 
  • Enable faster, smarter decisions optimise the IT  Portfolio Management

2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader for EA Tools

Orbus Software leads in 'Ability to Execute' and 'Completeness of Vision' for the third consecutive year.


8 Steps to Start a High-Impact EA Practice

Discover the key strategies and expert insights from Gartner to establish a high-impact enterprise architecture practice

IT Portfolio Management use cases

Benefit from tailored toolkits and method-driven guidance to realise core IT Portfolio Management use cases

Application Rationalization

Identify cost savings across the application portfolio whilst increasing business fit and performance

  • Engage application owners in familiar tools to gather data for assessment
  • Assessed applications for cost, risk, duplication, business fit and technology fit
  • Generate visual reports answering key questions for the application portfolio
  • Identify candidates for change and surface with stakeholders to inform rationalization decisions

Application and Technology Roadmapping

Project the changes to application and technology portfolios needed to achieve business goals 

  • Generate compelling roadmaps aligning technology projects with business strategy 
  • Surface roadmaps with stakeholder in familiar Microsoft application interfaces  
  • Highlight technology project delays and overruns to prompt mitigating action 
  • Drive controlled technology change with clear, transparent communication 

Technology Standards & Portfolio Management

Manage technologies and enforce standards to ensure future-proof technology investments 


  • Engage Technology owners in the tools they use every day to gather data for assessment 
  • Analyse technologies for cost, risk, duplication, business fit and technology fit 
  • Audit and assess technologies assets for compliance with company standards 
  • Visualise technology assets in a visual format digestible to all stakeholders 
  • Highlight candidate technologies to tolerate, invest in, migrate from or eliminate  

Technology Risk Management

Application Risk & Security Summary@2x

  • Integrate risk management data from existing sources with your technology inventory 
  • Identify potential technology risks by assessing infrastructure, systems, and processes. 
  • Monitor changes in the technology landscape and highlight emerging threats 
  • Evaluate likelihood and impact of technology risks to prioritize mitigation efforts 
  • Communicate risks to stakeholders, and report on risk status, ensuring accountability
    ITPM Orbus software

    IT Portfolio Management Success Story

    How OrbusInfinity has helped PEAB to establish a common architecture practice

    PEAB sees OrbusInfinity as a single source of truth

    Peab_AB_Logo white.svg

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