TOGAF is The Open Group Architecture Framework.
The framework itself is a well documented body of knowledge comprising a detailed method and a set of supporting tools for developing enterprise architectures.
TOGAF® 9.1 is the latest version of the framework.
TOGAF is developed and maintained by members of the Open Group, working within a group called the Architecture Forum.
The original development of TOGAF, Version 1, was produced in 1995 and successive versions of TOGAF have extended and improved this body of knowledge.
TOGAF has been developed through the collaborative efforts of over 300 Architecture Forum member who represent some of the world's leading companies and organizations – so it is a good summary of general enterprise architecture practice.
Developing and sustaining an enterprise architecture is a complex process, involving many stakeholders and decision processes. TOGAF helps by documenting the enterprise architecture discipline, process and work products.
By using TOGAF, organizations can develop an enterprise architecture that is consistent, reflects the needs of stakeholders, employs best practice, and gives due consideration to current requirements and the perceived future needs of the business.
This TOGAF body of knowledge is freely available from the Open Group web site.
There are also many certified TOGAF practitioners and trainers who can help an organization develop its skills in enterprise architecture.