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Strategic Portfolio Management

Business Portfolio Management


iServer is a leading enterprise transformation tool used by businesses around the world to successfully manage their business portfolios.

As part of iServer's Strategic Portfolio Management Solution, stakeholders across the organisation can access a range of interactive dashboards to explore the enterprise’s business processes and strategic initiatives landscape.

These represent a formidable analysis tool – highly specific, but at the same time very easy to understand by both business and IT stakeholders.

The interactive dashboards are rendered from data in iServer’s central repository and enable analysis through a range of lenses – for instance risk, cost, performance, or status.

By navigating between lenses, users are able to drill down, highlight and filter data on the fly.

Some of the typical scenarios that iServer helps to solve include:

  • Identifying redundant business processes
  • Identifying initiatives with overlapping objectives
  • Highlighting the potential risk posed by certain strategic components

With the BPM dashboards, stakeholders uncover critical insight about the business portfolio, allowing organisations to enhance understanding, cut costs, and minimize risk exposure.

To learn more about how iServer can help you optimise your business portfolio practice, ask for a call back today!

Strategic Portfolio Management Video