A white paper discussing why TOGAF® certification is now essential for all Enterprise Architects.
The relationship between Human, Process and Technology concepts is still a hot topic for organizations, three centuries after Francis Bacon first described how technology can be used to automate processes at the start of the industrial revolution. Nothing much changed since then, if you read Ross, Weil and Robertson’s book Enterprise Architecture as Strategy (one of my favourite books). In this book the authors identified the importance of understanding the level of business process integration and standardization as a basis for optimizing the use of technology within the organization.
Globalization and the need to stay competitive is putting pressure on organizations to accelerate the rate of change and innovation. Organizations have in turn realized that in order to achieve this they need to understand the architecture of the business and the relationships between key elements. This need is at the heart of the growth in job offerings for Enterprise Architecture professionals.
At present, demand is outstripping the supply of Enterprise Architecture (EA) professionals and there is a need to fast-track the up-skilling of new EA professionals. EA’s must not only be technically proficient, but a good architect must also have the ability to communicate his ideas and designs to a broad range of stakeholders inside and outside of the organization.
A large number of professionals and organizations are using TOGAF 9 Certification courses to try and build EA capacity within an organization.
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