Much of Enterprise Architecture (EA) is about managing change, which means in large parts knowing how the future will pan out and what developments might ensue in areas such as technology or risk management. So, what's on the horizon for Enterprise Architecture?
What’s on the horizon for enterprise architecture?
Much of Enterprise Architecture (EA) is about managing change, which means in large parts knowing how the future will pan out, and what developments might ensue in areas such as technology or risk management. However, the field of EA itself is not immune to developing over time, requiring architects to remain knowledgeable if they wish to remain effective.
This is not just a question of evolution in EA tools either. The processes and people that underpin EA can also evolve, particularly as so many enterprises still have immature architectures. And of course, there are the major external factors to consider as well, such as the coronavirus pandemic. In this eBook, we’ll explore the major trends in EA, and the predictions of Gartner and Forrester Research.
Download now to find out:
How specialization will become a key factor for architects
The continued impacts of COVID-19 on EA
Why Human Resources may be the difference between effective and ineffective EA
How iServer will evolve to help meet the needs of the future