Business rules lie at the center of much Enterprise Architecture analysis and design, yet are rarely viewed as an external component in their own right. From an EA perspective, Roger's newest white paper identifies the key roles of business rules within this discipline and advises on how best to model them. Download your copy!
Business rules are one of the key components in an enterprise architecture. And yet for many EA teams, business rules hardly get a mention!
When you look at TOGAF 9.1, business rules are mentioned in passing during a brief discussion of activity models in a section on business modeling [Section 8.2.3]. TOGAF simply says that: “Activity models can be annotated with explicit statements of business rules, which represent relationships among the ICOMs. For example, a business rule can specify who can do what under specified conditions, the combination of inputs and controls needed, and the resulting outputs.”
ArchiMate doesn’t fare any better: business rules are not part of the current version of ArchiMate. And rules cannot be found in any of the cells of the Zachman framework.
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