In this paper, Andrew Swindell argues how one of the most important and often overlooked Architecture outcomes is the opportunity to provide effective Architecture Governance of an organization’s change program.
Deploying an effective Architecture Governance structure is a very public display of architecture guidance and oversight. It allows architects to come together, articulate, and influence current and target states, as well as look at how change will impact and improve the way an organization does business.
In past papers, Andrew Swindell has covered the use of Architecture Levels, Architecture Layers, and the value of a Business Capability Model to support delivery of Architecture Value. Following from these papers, he now argues how one of the most important and often overlooked Architecture outcomes is the opportunity to provide effective Architecture Governance of an organization’s change program.
In summary, Andrew suggests both disciplines should be joined at the hip to influence strategic direction and delivery through building collaborative working relationships with stakeholders and project teams.