In this paper Max Tay explores some of the key building blocks for adopting BPM, and considers how they support the effort in continuous process improvement.
Business process improvement (BPI) aims to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and adaptability of the day-to-day business operation. BPI initiatives that focus on the individual business function and ignore the end-to-end business process may end up having a detrimental effect on the overall business performance. Such BPI initiatives could achieve short term improvement but challenge to maintain and sustain continuous process improvement in the organization.
The adoption of business process management (BPM) is critical both as an operational and technology strategy to meet the dynamic environments businesses are in today. These methods, policies, metrics, roles and technologies can be grouped into four key categories of building blocks for adopting BPM.
This paper explores three of these building blocks, process improvement methods, organizational transformation, and BPM technologies. The paper also considers how BPM technologies support the effort in continuous process improvement.