
TechRadar Pro: 5 Ways to Tackle Technical Debt

Technical debt is often the result of development teams working at speed in software to hit delivery timelines. Simply, it can be described as choosing the easy option now instead of taking a better approach that may take longer. In his TechRadar Pro article, Rupert Colbourne, CTO of Orbus Software, provides a detailed guide on managing technical debt, a common challenge that stifles innovation and slows down development.  

Automated software testing

Automating software testing is crucial to reducing the accumulation of technical debt. Rupert emphasizes that it ensures consistent quality and quicker identification of issues, thereby preventing the buildup of more debt. 

Viewing tech debt as a business risk

Technical debt isn't just a technical issue; it’s a business risk. Recognizing this helps align IT and business priorities, ensuring that the long-term impacts of tech debt are managed effectively. 

Migrating legacy systems to the cloud

Legacy systems are often a significant source of technical debt. Migrating these systems to the cloud not only modernizes the infrastructure but also mitigates the risks associated with outdated technologies. 

Quantifying technical debt

Rupert suggests that organizations should quantify their technical debt to understand its true impact. By assigning a measurable value, businesses can prioritize debt reduction strategies more effectively. 

Establishing a strong organizational architecture

A well-defined and resilient organizational architecture can help mitigate the accumulation of technical debt. It provides a clear framework for decision-making and ensures that new technologies integrate seamlessly with existing systems. 

Read the full article on TechRadar Pro