
Making the Business Case for Enterprise Architecture

A graphic featuring two circular photos side by side. On the left is Brenda Cowie from Orbus Software, and on the right is Kurt Wysock from RCG Global Services. The background includes a dotted design pattern with shades of blue and green

Today,  76% of organizations are starting, restarting, or renewing their enterprise architecture efforts, according to Gartner. Enterprise architecture (EA) is essential for aligning business goals with IT strategy and delivering real, tangible value. But let's face it—EA can be tricky, often challenges to overcome. 

In our recent webinar Making the Business Case for Enterprise Architecture, we explored these challenges and shared some solutions to navigate them successfully. Featuring insights from two industry experts, Brenda Cowie from Orbus Software and Kurt Wysock from RCG Global Services, the session was packed with valuable advice. Brenda has been in the EA space for decades, while Kurt brings 35 years of IT experience and a passion for architecture. 

The webinar dives into the evolving landscape of EA, highlighting the importance of tailoring frameworks to individual customer needs. Brenda and Kurt discuss how to establish a clear future state and roadmaps, engage EA early, and scale it across the organization. They also explore key challenges such as proving business value, addressing technical debt, and navigating leaner architecture teams. 

Key takeaways included: 

  • How to navigate modern architecture teams that are leaner, and tailoring frameworks to each customer’s needs. 
  • Strategies for looking at the bigger picture around EA, including defining tailored frameworks, documenting EA blueprints, establishing roles and accountabilities, and developing playbooks and ways of working. 
  • The importance of application portfolio management in helping organizations align business and IT objectives. 

Brenda and Kurt delve into real-world use cases that highlight the significant value that EA brings to today’s enterprises. Watch the on-demand webinar to gain insights and practical advice on overcoming EA challenges and delivering real business value.  

Access the recording on demand