
ERP Today: The Untapped Potential of Digital Twins in Customer Experience

Illustration depicting the concept of digital twins in customer experience, featuring a digital cityscape emerging from a tablet. The image highlights various digital elements such as data analytics.

Digital twins of organizations (DTOs) could transform customer experiences and many other areas of today’s organizations. Ed Granger, VP of Product Innovation at Orbus Software, sheds light on this in a recent article on ERP Today.  

What is a DTO?  

DTOs are virtual representations of entire organizations, offering real-time insights and simulations that enable businesses to optimize every aspect of their operations, including customer experience.  

Enhancing customer experience 

Existing customer data often isn’t mapped to the design of customer journeys, which risks organizations rolling out customer-facing applications and services without all the relevant information. A DTO could solve this. By feeding data from customer touchpoints into a DTO, users could gain visibility into customer-facing operations in real time. 

DTOs and enterprise architecture  

Enterprise architects (EAs) are set to have a major stake in building and advocating for DTOs. The technology presents a unique opportunity to bridge IT and customer experience, integrating this data to design and manage systems that are more aligned with both operational performance and customer needs. 

DTOs are no longer futuristic concepts; advancements in technology make their implementation increasingly viable. “Progressive organizations that want to change how they change should hit the ground running building and learning towards the DTO future,” said Ed. 

Read the full article on ERP Today