
Collaborating with NASCIO to Accelerate Government Modernization

Illustration of a government representative speaking at a podium with one hand raised, addressing an audience. The audience members are seated with laptops, engaging with the presentation. The illustration uses a color scheme of teal, purple, and white.

Digital transformation is a strategic imperative for the US government sector. However, recent research from Deloitte found a wide variance in digital maturity between individual government functions, reflecting that transformation initiatives are still a work in progress. While many citizen-facing systems are updated, the back-office infrastructure, such as HR and finance, remains woefully behind.  

At Orbus, our mission is to enable government agencies to navigate enterprise architecture modernization successfully. Our US government team, led by VP Wally McLaughlin, is helping CIOs with their strategic transformation initiatives as they strive to build intelligent, agile organizations. As part of this, we’ve joined the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). The non-profit represents State CIOs and IT executives, with a mission to advance government excellence through trusted collaboration, partnerships, and technology leadership. 

By joining the NASCIO community, we will gain more granular insights into the technology needs and priorities of state agencies. In turn, we will share learnings from other regulated industries and our existing public sector customers. Our goal is to collaborate and provide practical recommendations to accelerate modernization efforts to become data-driven, digital-first government agencies. Why is this so important? First up, there are a range of benefits from modernizing enterprise architecture, including:  

  1. Retirement of legacy systems: By identifying and eliminating outdated and inefficient systems, technical debt is reduced, freeing up resources. 
  2. Increased operational efficiency: By aligning business and technology, organizations can create more cost-efficient operating models and redirect investment to higher-value projects. 
  3. Improved decision-making: A modern architecture platform provides the visibility and forensic insights to enable better decision-making around which technologies to invest in and where cost savings can be achieved. 

However, many federal, state, and local government agencies are struggling to realize these benefits. Overcoming bureaucracy, legacy systems, and budget constraints to drive digital change is no easy feat. At Orbus, we strive to help every agency overcome the challenges it encounters and successfully manage complex change.OrbusInfinity, our enterprise transformation platform, provides a comprehensive view of applications, systems, and data, enabling customers to make informed decisions, optimize costs, minimize risks, and maintain operational resilience. Our government customers include the Alabama Medicaid Agency, City of Dallas, New York State Office of Information Technology Services, Oregon Public Employees Retirement System, and Washington State DSHS. 

We’re excited to join the NASCIO ecosystem and learn more about the hurdles that state agencies face as they strive to modernize their digital infrastructure.