You’re in Safe Hands with OrbusInfinity

A strong partnership starts with trust. That's why our SaaS solution is assessed to the highest standards, and we continue to evolve our offerings as the security landscape changes.

Find out how we keep your data safe and meet regulatory standards worldwide.



According to Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, 45% of all data breaches in the country in the second half of 2022 resulted from cybersecurity incidents. Robust and secure data management practices are no longer just a luxury but a necessity. 

Standards like the Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) play a critical role in safeguarding data. 

cloud security compliance 

What's IRAP? 

A security assessment program launched by the Australian Cyber Security Centre 

Assesses whether cloud services and products meet the strict rules of Australia's Government Information Security Manual 


Why does IRAP matter? 

IRAP has significant potential to protect public data by holding assessed vendors to high security standards  

Mitigates risk of catastrophic data leaks in public sector and government organizations 

cloud security compliance


What does our IRAP status mean to us and our customers?  

Our SaaS platform OrbusInfinity is IRAP assessed to PROTECTED level – the program’s highest standard for use of the cloud in a commercial environment. A stringent testing of the security functionality of our product, partners, and enterprise, 850 controls were assessed as part of the IRAP Certification procedure. Orbus is the only enterprise architecture provider to have undergone and passed this assessment.  

This accreditation, which is recognized and approved by the Australian government, demonstrates our dedication to surpassing not only the product functionality requirements but meeting the stringent security and compliance requirements of our clients.  

We are committed to providing a secure and reliable platform for all our customers regardless of the complexities of their requirements or their location around the world. By meeting IRAP's rigorous standards, we can ensure that our clients can trust us with their data, helping to drive operational transformation, cloud migration, and system modernization securely. 


Further reading

Overcoming the Challenges of APM Modeling With a Tool

White Paper May 19, 2023

Our eBook outlines the challenges of APM modeling with an Enterprise Architecture tool, with tips to overcome them.

Modeling Application Portfolio Management (APM) data using an Enterprise Architecture tool is challenging. The meta-model is designed to store artifacts across a number of domains and, depending on the product, usually in a lower level of detail than portfolio managers require.

There may be challenges around the tool chosen, for example perhaps some meta-model customizations aren’t supported. This is just a small part of the issue, the way you get data in and out presents its own set of tests.

This eBook helps to outline potential challenges and offers some guidance as to how they may be overcome. A particularly useful resource for those beginning their APM effort in a new tool, but valuable to anyone involved with APM.

Login to continue reading and download the ebook.